SLOVOOL WEBINAR - talks about wool in the past and today in Norway and Slovakia

We sincerely invite you to a one-day webinar organized by MOKOŠA - Slovak Wool and OZ Naša Vlna, together with our Norwegian friends from the SIFO Centre - a textile research institute at Oslo Metropolitan University.
We decoded that we want to talk publicly about how the continuity of wool processing is maintained in Norway, how it failed to be maintained in Slovakia and how it is being laboriously restored. We are throwing in a bit of history as well - how wool was always crucial in traditional folk clothing in Slovakia and Norway and what are the challenges that both folk producers and people who are actively trying to return machine-processed Slovak wool to the market, facing today.
The webinar will be LIVE, ONLINE and PUBLIC!
Friday, March 15, 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. CET
Attendance is open to anyone interested in the topic - you just need to pre-register via the link below:
9:30 Welcome by Ingun Grimstad Klepp, Professor Clothing and Sustainability, Consumption Research Norway, Oslo Metropolitan University
9:45 How the change from local spæl wool to merino in embroidery yarns impacted the bunad by Kari-Anne Pedersen, Norwegian Folk Museum
10:15 Wool in traditional Slovak folk costumes by Radoslava Janáčová, ÚĽUV (The Center for Folk Art production)
10:40 The challenges of sourcing material for Slovakian folk producers now and in the past by Mgr. Zuzana Kolcunová, ÚĽUV (The Center for Folk Art production)
11:00 Discussion and reflections facilitated by Ingun Grimstad Klepp, Professor Clothing and Sustainability, Consumption Research Norway, Oslo Metropolitan University
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 Welcome back and summary of the morning session by Ingun Grimstad Klepp, Professor Clothing and Sustainability, Consumption Research Norway, Oslo Metropolitan University
13:15 How local sheep breeds have contributed to rediscovering cultural expression in modern design by Ingvild Svorkmo Espelien, founder Selbu spinneri.
13:40 The challenges of building up a wool value chain based on local Slovak wool, challenges of first Slovak mini-mill by Mgr. Martina Vozárová, founder and owner of Vlnárska Manufaktúra
14:00 Innovation and inspiration: Challenges of bringing local Slovak wool back to the market by Mgr. Ľubica Kováčiková and Mgr. Alena Niňajová, non-profit OZ Naša Vlna and founders of local Slovak wool brand MOKOŠA
14:30 Discussion and ways forward facilitated byTone Skårdal Tobiasson, journalist and woolly author
15:15 Summary by Ingun Grimstad Klepp, Professor Clothing and Sustainability, Consumption Research Norway, Oslo Metropolitan University
15:30 End
You can find the original post and more abou SIFO center here: